Tuesday, 19 January 2021

Moorcockian Music - Elric and Corum


We delve into the worlds of Moorcock influenced music with the other-worldly Dungeon Synth of The Artist Called Elric, and the powerful METAL!!! of Corum, two faces of the Eternal Champion.

Gerard Arthur Connelly returns and gets his poor boots wet, with all new atmos and score by @nand_soundtrax

Elric and Corum's Bandcamp pages are:




Tuesday, 5 January 2021

Breakfast in the Ruins Podcast - 10k Download milestone

 We've surpassed 10,000 downloads!

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Thanks for listening, and if you've found this podcast via the Mentallicohullic blog come and check us out at the main site www.breakfastintheruins.com or at our Patreon page.