Monday, 3 February 2020

Breakfast in the Ruins Podcast Episode 06 - Elric of Melniboné Part Two

Loz is back with me at Derry and Tom's as we dive into Straasha's ocean depths to prize open the mysteries below and discuss (most of) Book Two of Elric of Melniboné.
Excellent beverages are consumed along the way.

Breakfast in the Ruins Podcast Episode 05 - The Final Programme Phase One

After a degree of arm-twisting and one false start, Hussein finally gets his head into a sci-fi/fantasy book and agrees to tell the tale!
We cover the first Phase of The Final Programme, the introduction of Jerry Cornelius into the Multiverse of Michael Moorcock.
Hussein marvels at the wonders of psychedelic 70s scifi covers and I keep mixing up my Perssons and my Brunners.