Monday, 28 December 2020

Michael Moorcock Birthday Special 2020

 It's December 18th 2020, Michael Moorcock and Phil share a birthday AGAIN (weird right?) and, with the help of some friends, we celebrate a great day and take a look at Mike's Sherlock Holmes story, The Adventure of the Dorset Street Lodger.

In addition we consider the broad appeal of Moorcock and how it crosses some boundaries that in this strange day and age are often extraordinarily difficult to bridge, and we get to showcase some great music.

Happy birthday Mike and Phil!

Sonic Assassins - Moorcock and Music Part One with Ian Abrahams

 On our first purely music focused show we talk Hawkwind with biographer and writer Ian Abrahams, author of Sonic Assassins. We also muse on how notice boards on launderette walls can produce great results.

Also, Loz calls in to Derry & Toms to drink some traditionally stupid beers and reminisce about the days of yore, sleeping dogs and the Giantkind track Breakfast in the Ruins.

The Rituals of Infinity (sort of) with KEK-W

  After getting caught between worlds and never managing to quite hook it up, through a radio link between Earths 2 and 5 we finally get it together to discuss Moorcock with comics luminary and 2000AD Script Droid KEK-W!

We talk Moorcock, The Rituals of Infinity, comics, Dark Judges, music and the disturbingly beautiful art of Dave Kendall.
I continue to learn regarding online recording, with mixed results.
Gerard Arthur Connelly gets his slippers wet.
As discussed on the show Jim’s Kickstarter for Urish’s Horde – The Guide to Elric Collectibles is at:

The Knight of the Swords Book Two

Loz returns as we head up to the Roof Garden to ruminate over Corum's endless jawing with a slightly dubious sorceror in The Knight of the Swords Book Two.

Multiple varieties of pants are considered along with a couple of actually palatable beers. Progress I say!

Thursday, 5 November 2020

 Halloween Special - The Rats by James Herbert

It's Halloween, so Phil and I enjoy some spooky old fashioneds and engage with the horror of James Herbert's 1974 debut novel, The Rats!

It's got the lot. A creepy hero... out of order tramps... vicious critters... and an abundance of thigh references!



Wednesday, 21 October 2020

The Final Programme Phase Two


Finally, the Spheres align and Hussein and I manage, after ten months, to get it together and look at Phase Two of The Final Programme.
We talk about Mike's uncanny prescience, wrestling in Featherstone Library, and Hussein rags on sci-fi again. It's a fun time all round.
Also, GAC reaches the village of Treybach. Foxes may be abroad.

The Eternal Champion Part Three


We're back, and this time Phil joins me at Derry and Toms to conclude our coverage of The Eternal Champion.

Turns out Erekosë is just a horny jock. Who knew?

We also find that if you're being peer pressured into genocide you just need a bath, dinner and an intervention... it's just so relatable! 

The Knight of the Swords Part One


We're back at Derry and Tom's and unfortunately so are the challenging porters.

REJOICE as we finally get around to covering Corum...

SIGH as we continue to fail to avoid weird beer...

DESPAIR as our energy levels dip in the second half...

GASP at chapter two of The Journal of Gerard Arthur Connelly...

Moorcock RPGs and the Journal of GAC

Phil, Loz and I celebrate an all too brief interlude in lockdown life to drink weird porters and muse upon Moorcock’s treatment at the hands of tabletop role-playing games.

Phil taunts us with her syrupy beer avoidance skills, two-man canoes get far too many mentions and Loz gatekeeps Moorcock RPG play (the rotter).

Also, The Journal of Gerard Arthur Connelly debuts with chapter one.  There are 5 more to come (and if I don’t get pelted with rottent tomatoes I may write more).

Wednesday, 22 July 2020

Tash returns from her exile in Sri Lanka and finally we get together after a four month Covid delay to finish The Jewel in the Skull.  Stand by as we flatten the curve!

REEL at the variable sound quality as my Tascam once again has to do some heavy lifting.

MARVEL at the disagreements over the last few chapters.

HOWL at Tash's toilet allocation of an all new (to me) classification of a certain type of fantasy novel.

SHOEGAZE to the mellow sounds of Breakfast in the Ruins by the mighty Giantkind.

We're back.
The Eternal Champion continues on his crusade to defeat the enemies of humanity and further proves himself an absolute duffer with the ladies.

Phil reveals a penchant for watching extreme violence against Ewan McGregor and Channing Tatum.
I wring my hands at the horror of it all.


Thursday, 18 June 2020

Breakfast in the Ruins Podcast Episode 09 - The Eternal Champion Part One

We're back in Derry & Toms roof gardens to mull over 1970's The Eternal Champion, the novel debut of ErekosĂ«/John Daker.

It's got everything. Bad pronunciation, silly names and nudity. Phil returns to the co-host chair, we drink an old old-Fashioned or two and draw comparisons between Noonos and Grimsby, adding that ancient port-town to our list of mildly insulted settlements.

Breakfast in the Ruins Podcast Episode 08 - Elric of Melniboné Part Three

Loz is back as we conclude our coverage of the 1972 Moorcock novel Elric of Melniboné.

Join us as we are horrified by a challenging beer and Loz offends Scunthorpe (as well as narrowly avoiding a date with Dannus). As usual we struggle with pronunciation and saying The Ship That Sails Over Land and Water.

Breakfast in the Ruins Podcast Episode 07 - The Jewel in the Skull Part Two

Natasha is back with me as we continue our deep dive into the first Hawkmoon novel, The Jewel in the Skull.

MARVEL at Tash's brutal takedown of mothers-in-law...

SIGH at the rambling non-sequiturs...

GASP at Tash's salty sailor talk...

WONDER at the gradual breakdown of recording discipline...

WEEP at the continual intrusion of traffic, crisp packets and leather furniture...

Monday, 3 February 2020

Breakfast in the Ruins Podcast Episode 06 - Elric of Melniboné Part Two

Loz is back with me at Derry and Tom's as we dive into Straasha's ocean depths to prize open the mysteries below and discuss (most of) Book Two of Elric of Melniboné.
Excellent beverages are consumed along the way.

Breakfast in the Ruins Podcast Episode 05 - The Final Programme Phase One

After a degree of arm-twisting and one false start, Hussein finally gets his head into a sci-fi/fantasy book and agrees to tell the tale!
We cover the first Phase of The Final Programme, the introduction of Jerry Cornelius into the Multiverse of Michael Moorcock.
Hussein marvels at the wonders of psychedelic 70s scifi covers and I keep mixing up my Perssons and my Brunners.